
入选理由:航天科工空间工程发展有限公司、航天云网科技发展有限责任公司开发的1t 以下小卫星的规模化智能生产线,可实现卫星从零部组件入厂到整星下线的完整AIT 生产流程,具有柔性智能、数字孪生、云制造的典型特征。通过工艺与布局优化、软硬件渗透设计,实现卫星一站式柔性、智能化生产。建立数字孪生模型,实现从设计、制造、试验等全流程基于模型的实体与虚体管理,实现模型跨阶段连续传递、数据和模型驱动的虚实融合能力。依托云平台强化资源共享和业务协作,实现与外协单位间的协同研发与制造,构建了卫星智能制造新范式。
The large-scale intelligent production line for small satellites below 1t, developed jointly by CASIC Space and CASICloud, can realize complete AIT production process ranging from parts & components’ entry into the factory to the completion of satellite production, and is characterized by flexible and intelligent, digital twin, and cloud manufacturing. Through process & layout optimization and software & hardware design, the production line realizes one-stop flexible and intelligent production of the satellites. By creating the digital twin model, the production line realizes the model-based real/virtual management in the whole process covering design, manufacturing, experiment, etc., and lives up to the model’s cross-stage continuous transmission and the data/model-driven virtual & real integration. By virtue of the cloud platform to intensify resources sharing and business coordination, the production line realizes collaborative R&D and manufacturing with outsourcing units, and build a new paradigm for the intelligent manufacturing of satellites.
Small Satellites, Flexible and Intelligent, Digital Twin, Cloud Manufacturing