数据融合及可视化管理的IIoT 平台moneo

入选理由:ifm 易福门推出的IIoT 平台moneo,利用智能Io-Link 传感器生成的数字化信息,无需PLC 控制,实现关键数据的采集及可视化,实现OT 到IT 的融合。moneo 的可扩展性,针对不同行业和应用提供相应模块,用户可自行决定在特定情况下需激活哪些应用程序,实现低成本灵活应用。moneo 平台可帮助建立自定义拓扑结构,简单拖拽操作即可集成设备并启用或禁用必要数据点。智能传感器及IIoT 平台moneo 的软硬件结合,可实现工业数据可视化、设备状态远程监控和预测性维护。设备状态的透明化减少了企业因生产中意外停机的损失,降低成本并提升运行效率。
moneo, the IIoT platform of ifm, uses digitalized information generated by intelligent Io-Link sensors to realize the acquisition and visualization of core data and the integration from OT to IT, with no need for PLC control. moneo is scalable and offers appropriate modules to different industries and applications according to their needs, so that users could determine,by themselvesthe specific application programs to be activated under different circumstances, thereby ensuring a low-cost flexible application. moneo helps establish customized topological structures, with equipment integrated and essential data points activated or deactivated by simple dragging operations. Combining smart sensors with moneo realizes the visualization of industrial data, remote monitoring of devices and predictive maintenance. The transparency of equipment status reduces the loss caused be unexpected downtime in production, lower costs and improves operating efficiency.
关键词:数据融合; 可视化管理; 可扩展性; 预测性维护; 状态监控
Data Integration, Visualized Management, Scalability, Predictive Maintenance, Condition Monitoring